Wednesday, October 28, 2009

physcial education super hero

It was another exciting day at St. Mary’s. We were able to implement some fun activities that contained some predetermined objectives. Out of the activity my group (leaping Lizards) did my station was the football toss. The kids were very excited to participate. Part of the reason was because we all dressed up in super hero costumes. As they were able to make the ball through the hula hoop I had them move back further little by little. It really pushed them and challenged them to try their best. They performed other skills at other stations that I supervised such as hopping and galloping. Some of the kids were confused but we tried to show them and encourage them to perform the movement patterns correctly. The kids seemed like they were having a blast and it is great to be in that type of atmosphere. It is electric. I love seeing the kids participating. It is really a heartwarming experience. I never thought I would enjoy physical education with this particular age group to the extent I do. It is amazing. We went down stairs to the cafeteria and there was a kid hanging by himself so we went and kept him company. Some of the kids stole one of my peers mask and I thought it was funny. On a serious note my classmate might have been able to handle it better. It is difficult to be assertive and take authority with the kids but I think it is important to establish that type of relationship with them. We then went outside and played kickball. The kids had me laughing hilariously. I tried to get Nicholas to understand the rules and strategies of the game. He kept running the bases excessively every time only to get out. The smile on his face after was priceless. But it is ok because the most important thing in this type of setting is if they are moving around and having fun. I was able to allow him to understand that by practicing self control when running the bases he may be able to eventually run all of them and score more points for the team. Some of the kids surprised me with some of the catches they were making. It was a sunny day and we all had smiles on our faces. I was able to evenly distribute positioning such as pitching and the batting order. Then we went back inside and tossed the football. We played some mini football games. The kids were able to run around and work on their hand eye coordination. By the end of the day I was exhausted. Can’t wait to see the kids again next week.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to be impressed with the props your group uses. Every week you continue to surprise me and surprise the students at St. Mary's and that is what is most important. You have really learned that the more props you have the more interesting your lesson becomes. The students will almost always want to know what you have to offer when your sitting there dressed up like batman, or optimus prime.

    I also noticed that you are becoming more comfortable in front of the kids. The only thing I would say you can improve is speaking louder. However, this is something that can be practiced and in time, you will acquire. Just speak loud and the students will respond much more easy.
